As part of the "Festival of Solidarity" 30 young people with hearing impairments have undergone two great workshops on the 16th and 17th May organized by the "Blue Theater" and with the cooperation of the City Organization of Deaf Belgrade.

As part of the "Festival of Solidarity" 30 young people with hearing impairments have undergone two great workshops on the 16th and 17th May organized by the “Blue Theater” and with the cooperation of the City Organization of Deaf Belgrade.
Workshop "The body that hears: Contemporary Theater - The Space interpersonal solidarity" uses methods of contemporary theater in order to strengthen the inclusion of young deaf persons activating their creative thought-mental-physical-volitional capacity building and sensitization of the public on questions of life of these young people.
Workshop contributes to the active participation of young deaf persons in the cultural life of the community, their greater visibility and possibilities of artistic activity. The workshop was a great atmosphere and great energy, as confirmed by the smiles and looks happy participants.
Workshops are part of the project "Celebrating Solidarity" supported by the EU through the program Europe for Citizens. Ana and Vlade Divac Foundattion celebrates 10 years of its work and as part of this anniversary organizing a series of events titled "Celebrating solidarity". We want to encourage solidarity by providing our fellow citizens across Serbia variety of free programs and activities tailored to different generations and interests of the citizens of Serbia.