If you had one crucial advice today for young people seeking employment,
what would it be?

May 10, Cultural Center of Novi Sad. Lecture on Entrepreneurship was intended for students and young entrepreneurs to help further strengthen and motivate them to start their own business. Program EY Entrepreneur of the Year realized in Serbia was presented by the company Ernst & Young and whose participants talked about their experiences to the visitors.
The forum was visited by 40 participants, held open and interesting discussion thanks to excellent speakers, interesting and useful information that is conveyed on the development of their companies.
The following presented their experiences:
⦁ Vladimir Mastilović, owner and founder of 3Lateral - an innovative company, talked about how it is possible to conquer the world market with headquarters in Serbia and how to use the maximum of our knowledge. After ten years of work and visionary breakthrough in the global IT SVEN company has 70 employees and is engaged in the creation of special devices and software for facial recognition that are used in the fields of surgery to the system for protection.
⦁ Marko Kukic, the owner and founder of ⦁ BgReklam - innovative companies, who talked about how difficult it was to decide and manage to using innovation in the production of market penetration in Western Europe; with emphasis on modernization of production by introducing the Japanese Kaizen principle. BGReklam produces all kinds of stalls including those with holograms and fantastic design.
⦁ Milos Perovic (CEO ⦁ Termovent-Commerce), the company specializes in making equipment for cooling and heating that is used in factories in over 40 countries worldwide. The focus of the discussion was about how hard it is to take over operations of the family company and what it looks like when two generations must harmonize its leading vision with the need for rapid development of the company, innovation in production and an increase in the number of employees.
Ana and Vlade Divac celebrate 10 years of its work and as part of this anniversary organizing a series of events titled "Celebrating solidarity". We want to encourage solidarity by providing our fellow citizens across Serbia variety of free programs and activities tailored to different generations and interests of the citizens of Serbia.
One way is to just lecture that we believe will be more than useful. In addition to the Ana and Vlade Divac organized and participated EY Serbia, New Business Organization, the American Corner in Novi Sad and the Cultural Center of Novi Sad. We would also like to thank Coca-Cola Hellenic, for donating refreshments for the participants.