In cooperation with the largest European organization tango - Tango Natural Beograd, we organized an intergenerational tango dance workshop for our senior citizens.

Workshops were organized in Belgrade on May 15 and 16 with support of senior societies from Belgrade. We have enjoyed the with 80 retirees who have shared with us their energy and created a great atmosphere!
Tango is the meeting of two human beings in an embrace. When we dancing there are no genders, religious, racial, generational or any other differences. With dancing we develop a personal sense of self and begin to empathize with others.
Just so Argentina tango is perfect alignment with the values promoted during Solidarity Week, which celebrates 10 years of Divac Foundation and as part of this anniversary organizing a series of events titled "Celebrating solidarity".
We want to encourage solidarity by providing our fellow citizens across Serbia variety of free programs and activities tailored to different generations and interests of the citizens of Serbia. The project is supported by the EU through the Program Europe for Citizens.