Intergenerational environmental workshop for seniors and juniors from Belgrade were held in the spacious garden of Rancic houses, cultural center in Grocka on Friday, 19 May.
In the past 10 years, thanks to numerous donors, individuals, companies and organizations the Foundation collected $ 13.5 million and helped more than 600,000 people. Housing has taken care of more ...
The movie "Twilight Time", directed by our famous director Goran Paskaljevic and produced by Dobrivoje Tanasijević better known as Dan Tana is shown in the Kinoteka on May 17. "Twilight ...
In cooperation with the largest European organization tango - Tango Natural Beograd, we organized an intergenerational tango dance workshop for our senior citizens.
On May 15th, on the beginning of Serbian Solidarity Festival we have organized a debate on topic: Youth and solidarity. Debate was organized in Euro Info center in Nis in partnership with local civil ...
The exhibition is open until May 30, 2017.
The play "Yesterday I remembered the blue" was performed by the Theatre for the blind and visually impaired "New Life" from Zagreb on May 13th on the big stage of the Cultural Institution Vuk in ...
If you had one crucial advice today for young people seeking employment,what would it be?
CALL FOR GRANTING AND TRAINING for strengthening capacities of CSOs providing assistance in migrant’s human rights in Serbia and Macedonia The Programme aims ...