Fond „Ana i Vlade Divac" (HOD) na EXIT-u!
07. Jul 2011.

Fond „Ana i Vlade Divac" (HOD) na EXIT-u!

Na EXIT festivalu će se premijerno predstaviti i prvi proizvod nove proizvodne linije hrane „Autentično Divac!" – Chips & Dips, kukuruzni tortilja čips sa dodatkom sosa od povrća. Deo prihoda od prodaje ovog proizvoda ide u humanitarne svrhe.

Javni konkurs za projekat: Igra počinje. Teren je tvoj!
16. Jun 2011.

Javni konkurs za projekat: Igra počinje. Teren je tvoj!

Rok za prijavljivanje je do 27. juna 2011. godine.

MTV B-good konferencija za štampu - Vlade Divac
15. Jun 2011.
Fifth Playground in a Row Renovated by the Funds Raised through "Big Heart" Affinity Cards
09. Jun 2011.

Fifth Playground in a Row Renovated by the Funds Raised through "Big Heart" Affinity Cards

Today, Eurobank EFG and the Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac opened a restored playground of "Milka Dimanić" kindergarten in Vlasotinci. This playground for pre-school children is the fifth playground in a row renovated with the funds raised through the humanitarian project MasterCard credit card ...

Press Conference on Philanthropy
17. May 2011.

Press Conference on Philanthropy

At the two-day Conference "Cooperative Responsibilities and Philanthropy" Ana and Vlade Divac presented the Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac.

Renovation of Playground at "Veverica" kindergarten in Pančevo
11. May 2011.

Renovation of Playground at "Veverica" kindergarten in Pančevo

Thanks to the funds raised through the "Big Heart" affinity MasterCard, a restored playground of the "Veverica" kindergarten within the "Dečija radost" kindergarten institution has opened in Pančevo. The restored playground is the fourth playground renovated within the "Big Heart" project, ...

 "We are running. You Can Too!"
20. Apr 2011.

"We are running. You Can Too!"

The humanitarian initiative "We are running. You Can Too!" of the Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac raised a total of 680,000 dinars.

 "You Can Too" at the Nikola Tesla Airport
20. Apr 2011.

"You Can Too" at the Nikola Tesla Airport

"Spare Some Change. You Can Too!" the joint initiative with the Nikola Tesla Airport has so far raised 700,000 dinars.

Big heart for the Children of Nova Pazova
30. Mar 2011.

Big heart for the Children of Nova Pazova

The third playground in a row is reconstructed by the funds raised through a humanitarian MasterCard credit card.

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