2nd Divac Ideas Forum (DIF) Report
06. Jul 2012.

2nd Divac Ideas Forum (DIF) Report

The 2nd Divac Ideas Forum (DIF) , the second in a series of one-day events dedicated to the presentation and exchange of ideas on how to improve the quality of life for the young people in Serbia and to determine a clear path forward via a Platform of Action over the course of a three year ...

Bishop Irinej visits refugees and displaced families in Belgrade
30. May 2012.

Bishop Irinej visits refugees and displaced families in Belgrade

During his stay in Serbia, His Grace Bishop Irinej visited a newly constructed building for the social housing  in a supportive environment in Veliki Mokri Lug in Belgrade's municipality of Zvezdara. Eleven refugees and nine internally displaced families who have lived until recently in ...

Ms. Rebecca MacDonald supports campaign "Let\'s All Help"
07. May 2012.

Ms. Rebecca MacDonald supports campaign "Let's All Help"

Significant resources for resolving the housing problems of refugees and displaced persons were provided in campaign of the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation, UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the RTS, named "Let’s all help." Ms. Rebecca MacDonald, Canadian of Serbian origin, provided ...

Serbian Patriarch meets Ana and Vlade Divac
13. Mar 2012.

Serbian Patriarch meets Ana and Vlade Divac

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received yesterday at the Serbian Patriarchate in Bеlgrаdе Vlade Divаc, thе  famous basketball plаyer,  and his wife Ana, the founders of the Foundation "Ana and Vlade Divac" The mission of the Foundation "Ana and Vlade Divac" is helping ...

06. Mar 2012.


By signing the Tripartite Agreement on Cooperation between UNHCR, Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac, and RTS large campaign “Let’s all help!” has officially started. The campaign is focused on assisting the refuges and IDPs still accommodated in collective centers through Serbia to ...

Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac representatives finished their visit to Australia and New Zealand
06. Feb 2012.

Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac representatives finished their visit to Australia and New Zealand

Sydney - The famous Serbian basketball player and President of the Serbian Olympic Committee Mr. Vlade Divac, has finished his first visit to Australia and New Zealand, dedicated to promotion of Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac. His wife Mrs. Snezana Divac, and Mrs. Ana Koeshall, Director of ...

Electronic donations on Qiwi devices throughout Serbia
02. Feb 2012.

Electronic donations on Qiwi devices throughout Serbia

Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac, established cooperation with company Qiwi ( www.qiwisrbija.rs ), which is provider of electronic payment services on stationary devices based in supermarkets, public institutions, Belgrade airport,etc. From today, these stationary devices (based in several cities ...

Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac representatives in Sydney
02. Feb 2012.

Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac representatives in Sydney

Sydney- The famous Serbian basketball player, great humanist and President of the Serbian Olympic Committee Mr. Vlade Divac, has met with Mr. Kevin Rudd, Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The meeting was held in friendly atmosphere, without strict protocols. Mr. Divac informed the host on ...

"Bag for all - Food for all"
31. Jan 2012.

"Bag for all - Food for all"

Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac  has started joint action in cooperation with Fond 92 named “Bag for all - Food for all” in order to collect additional funds within the project “Food for all”. From now on bags in several colors can be found at the Super Vero stores, ...

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