Media breakfast within "Help on the route" network
28. Nov 2017.

Media breakfast within "Help on the route" network

Belgrade, November 28, 2017. Within the Help on The Route network, a meeting with the representatives of national and local media houses was organized to inform them about the activities of the network and the current status of migrants staying in Serbia and Macedonia.    Working with ...

Presentation of the "Help on the route" network recommendations
24. Nov 2017.

Presentation of the "Help on the route" network recommendations

Novi Sad, 24 November 2017. Participants were introduced with the policy recommendations produced within the Help on the route network. The focus was on improvement of social services available to migrants staying in camps. There were twenty participants, representatives of Centre for social ...

Help on the route: Refugee crisis in the Republic of Macedonia
23. Nov 2017.

Help on the route: Refugee crisis in the Republic of Macedonia

Skopje, November 23, 2017. In the organisation of the Helsinki Committee, under the "Help on the route" project held a roundtable on the topic.  The event brought together representatives of civic organisations working with refugees in the field and representatives of state institutions, ...

Seven best „Ideas for better tomorrow" awarded with EUR 40,000
20. Nov 2017.

Seven best „Ideas for better tomorrow" awarded with EUR 40,000

UniCredit Foundation, UniCredit Bank, Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac and Smart Kolektiv presented the winners of third edition of competition "Idea for better tomorrow" which aims to contribute to development of social entrepreneurship, as well as finding ideas for products and services which can ...

Holidays are approaching - donate without costs
16. Nov 2017.

Holidays are approaching - donate without costs

 Shop for everyone on your gift list this holiday at and Amazon donates to Humanitarian Organization Divac.  

Round table in Serbia – Youth unemployment rate and youth at risk of poverty in Serbia
15. Nov 2017.

Round table in Serbia – Youth unemployment rate and youth at risk of poverty in Serbia

At round table "Youth unemployment and risk of poverty in Serbia" Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation presented the results of the Youth Participation Index including monitoring report of the state of affairs of social, economic and political inclusion.

Round table in Serbia – Young entrepreneurs
15. Nov 2017.

Round table in Serbia – Young entrepreneurs

At round table "Youth unemployment and risk of poverty in Serbia" Ana and Vlade Divac Foundaton presented the results of the monitoring report of the state of affairs of economic inclusion.

Help on the route: Cross border cooperation between Serbia and Macedonia
14. Nov 2017.

Help on the route: Cross border cooperation between Serbia and Macedonia

Nis, November 14, 2017. 20 civil society organizations from Serbia and Macedonia are continuing a dialogue on the protection of migrants' rights, highlighting key aspects of human rights violations of this target group by promoting recommendations for improvement. Also, the two countries ...

Help on the route: Specific cases of gender based violence in migrant\'s population
13. Nov 2017.

Help on the route: Specific cases of gender based violence in migrant's population

Nis, November 13, 2017. Family violence, gender-based violence, violence in partnering and neglecting children are situations where a comprehensive approach  and the joint work of all relevant actors - the Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Interior, Commissariat for Refugees and Migration, ...

Ovaj sajt koristi kolačiće. Ukoliko nastavite sa korišćenjem ovog sajta, saglasni ste sa našom upotrebom kolačića. Politika privatnosti