Cleaning environment and planting trees in several cities.

Migrants and volunteers together in action of cleaning the environment!
Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation and USAID organized huge ecological volunteering action “Together for Palic lake” on Friday, March 24th as spring cleaning of the coast of Palic lake and also as encouragement for ecological activism and companionship of migrants and eco volunteers from Subotica.
Actions started in Subotica Asylum center by Palic lake (Sector 1).
#CelebratingSolidarity #USAIDSerbia #ZivotNeBiraPuteve
Another city, Šid had an action of planting the trees. JKP Standard volunteers and migrants took this great action together.
With cooperation of migrants in asylum center in Sjenica and youth center Sjenica municipality, volunteers and Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation organized big ecological and volunteering action “Together for Sjenica”. They plant trees in the park and also roundabout in Sjenica.
They planted 300 rose seedling and 200 different plants seedling.
All the actions are conducted as part of the project SUPPORT TO LOCAL COMMUNITIES AFFECTED BY THE REFUGEE CRISIS which Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation is organizing with financial support of The United States Agency for International Development (USAID).