Divac Scholarships

Every year, the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation awards monthly scholarships to students from vulnerable and poor families. Since 2017, when the program was lounched, more than 600 talented young people have received this type of support on their way to achieving their life goals.

Bearing in mind that education is one of the most important prerequisites for a successful life, monthly scholarships give talented young people from vulnerable categories the opportunity to better focus on learning and strive on their own for a better future. In addition, this support gives their families the opportunity to divert their small income to solving other problems, such as monthly bills, medicines for sick family members, etc. Psychological support for these young people is also important, because by recognizing their talents and good results in school or college, they gain the necessary self-confidence and motivation to achieve even better results.

"My mom and I are very grateful for the scholarship. It helps us get through the days and helps me concentrate on my school.”

Minja Tabaković, scholarship recipient for school year 2022/23

The basic criteria for awarding scholarships to high school students is that they have excellent results as well as awards in scientific or sports competitions, while the social status of their families and the health status of their family members are especially scored. In recent years, a certain number of scholarships is being awarded to freshmen of agricultural and veterinary faculties.

Divac scholars, in addition to achieving exceptional academic success, also often volunteer and help others in their communities.

„The scholarship motivated me to continue studying even more persistently.“

Petar Savićević, scholarship recipient for school year 2023/24

The Foundation is grateful to all donors from the country and the diaspora who support the scholarship program with online card payments, bank transfers and via Pay Pal, and invites new donors to join the Divac Team and help young people in Serbia who need support during their education.


The Foundation owes special thanks to its long-term donors, philanthropists from the diaspora, Anka and David Erne, with whose help almost half of the scholarships have been financed so far.

Also, a big thanks goes to the companies that support or at some point supported the scholarship program: McDonalds, BlackRock, Serbia Business Run, Forma Pharm, Roche, C&A Foundation, Powerade, Zlatiborac, ABB, Infostud, Balkan Bet, Promenada.

The employees of the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation, thanks to their own voluntary contributions, provide a scholarship to an outstanding student from a vulnerable family every year, hoping that their example will inspire employees of other organizations to donate and help talented and gifted young people.


scholarships awarded since 2017

                                                   Meet Divac Students

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