Recognition of Kindness for the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation for Efforts to Improve the Position of Youth

The Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation received the Recognition of Kindness and Certificate of Kindness this year on the occasion of National Day of Giving for its long-term work to improve the position of youth and their inclusion.

The seventh National Day of Giving was dedicated to organizations focused on youth, as research has shown that state and philanthropic investments in young people are very low.

The Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation was established 17 years ago to provide assistance to citizens from vulnerable categories in practically solving their life and existential problems. In addition to humanitarian aid and promotion of philanthropy, the Foundation also successfully manages community support projects and projects aimed at economically empowering vulnerable groups and increasing employment. The Foundation is involved in numerous youth-focused projects in Serbia and the broader region. Thanks to the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation, more than 900 talented students from low-income families receive monthly scholarships, and a large number of young farmers have been empowered to remain in rural areas through grants and support for developing their farms.

Traditional recognitions and certificates of kindness were awarded during the National Day of Giving to prominent organizations, companies, media, and individuals. The grand “Recognition of Kindness” was awarded to Aleksandar and Miodrag Kostić for their overall contribution to the culture of giving, including the renovation and donation of a fully equipped building to the scientific faculties of the University of Belgrade. Other “Recognitions of Kindness” were awarded to Dr. Slavica Plavšić, Jovan Mitrović, Aleksandar Savin, Bojan Marković, Ivan Đolić, Miloš Petrović, as well as Sandra Mandić for the show “Small Big Stories” on Insajder TV, and Branko Stanković for the show “Quadrature of the Circle.” Among organizations and companies, besides the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation, recognitions were also awarded to dm drogerie markt d.o.o, Trag Foundation, and Intesa Foundation, a philanthropic organization.

The Serbian Philanthropic Forum, as an organization that brings together foundations, companies, civil society organizations, donors, individuals, and philanthropists, established National Day of Giving in 2018 as a day to commemorate and celebrate philanthropy, solidarity, and the culture of giving. National Day of Giving is celebrated on 9 October, the birthday of Mihajlo Pupin, a great Serbian innovator and philanthropist.

This year’s National Day of Giving and Philanthropy Festival were realized as part of the "Strength of Activism" project, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Trag Foundation and other partner organizations, including CRTA, the Umbrella Organization of Youth of Serbia, the Feminist Cultural Center BeFem, the Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation, and the Serbian Philanthropic Forum.

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