Renovated House for the Šaranović-Stojković Family of six in Vlasotince

Siniša Šarović and Dragana Stojković, with their four minor children, will have much better and safer conditions for a decent life in the upcoming winter than in previous years because, thanks to a donation from the Ana and Vlada Divac Foundation, their family house was recently renovated. They were visited today by representatives of the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation together with the president of the municipality of Vlasotince, Bratislav Petrović.

"We are grateful for the donation and that our house was renovated before winter so that we have a warm home," said Dragana Stojković, whose family home was renovated.

The Šarović-Stojković family of six lived in unsafe conditions until recently, because the family house was dilapidated, the facade and roof were quite damaged, and the carpentry was old. With the help of donations collected in donor boxes at Nikola Tesla Airport in Belgrade, the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation renovated the facade of the Šarović-Stojković family, made a new roof, and installed new PVC carpentry so that they would have the conditions for a safe, dignified and comfortable life.

"We always invite individuals and organizations to join our humanitarian actions. Here, this is an example of a successful campaign for which the individual donors who put money into our donor boxes at Nikola Tesla Airport in Belgrade over the past year are the most deserving. We are also grateful to the airport management for allowing us to place the boxes. This action shows how with united forces we create hope for vulnerable families and the whole society", said Ana Koeshall, director of the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation, during today's visit.

The price of the works, which were completed this summer, was about 890,000 dinars. With Dragana's minimal income from which the whole family is supported because Siniša is unemployed, it was not feasible to improve the living conditions in the dilapidated house.

"This is another opportunity to highlight the good cooperation between the municipality of Vlasotince and the Ana and Vlada Divac Foundation. We have been cooperating for more than 10 years and so far we have implemented numerous projects in various fields, and it is especially pleasing to see that beyond them the Foundation helps our people through humanitarian activities, for which I am very grateful to the Foundation, the director and her team," said Bratislav Petrović, president of the municipality of Vlasotince.

The Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation has been dedicated helping the poorest families throughout Serbia for more than 17 years through donations for the reconstruction or construction of houses, and the purchase of other necessities. So far, with the help of the Ana and Vlada Divac Foundation, more than 750 families across Serbia have received a roof over their heads. In addition to humanitarian aid and the promotion of philanthropy, the Foundation also successfully manages community support projects as well as projects aimed at the economic empowerment of vulnerable groups and encouraging employment.

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