33 Youth Projects were selected in Vlasotince and Vladičin Han

This week, the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation signed contracts with 33 informal groups of young people from Vlasotince and Vladičin Han for projects that will be supported within the Youth Funds this year. The projects, the total value of which will amount to 2,700,000 dinars, will be diverse - from training for the creative use of 3D printers to the creation of a theater performance for young people, to the renovation of sports fields and areas where young people gather in these two municipalities.

"Thus, the total number of projects supported by the Youth Funds has risen to 150 in two years, and we are very glad that, thanks to donors and the participation of some municipalities, we were able to support such a large number of youth initiatives," said Jelena Rakić, project manager. from the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation.

All the projects selected in the open-call have a positive impact on improving the lives of young people in a wide variety of areas, such as culture, education, sports, health and safety.  Among them is a large number of projects from rural areas, which will improve the living conditions of young people in rural communities in the coming months.

This year, the municipality of Vlasotince secured a million dinars in participation for projects that will be supported in this municipality, which enabled the commission to select as many as 21 youth projects, while in Vladičin Han, 12 initiatives of informal youth groups were selected for support.

The projects, which according to the plan should be completed by the end of May this year, were decided by the Committee made up of selected young people from Vlasotince and Vladičin Han.

Youth funds are implemented with the aim of increasing the participation of young people in the processes of local development through the allocation of non-reimbursable funds to projects initiated and led by young people themselves. As part of the German development cooperation project "Perspectives for young people in rural areas in Serbia", implemented by GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Youth, youth funds are supported in selected communities: Obrenovac, Prokuplje, Zaječar, Vlasotince and Vladičin Han. During this and the previous year, a total of 150 youth projects from these five local governments were supported.

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