Help the blue Santa collect New Year’s presents for children with disabilities who attend the special school for children with disabilities "Laughter and Tear" in Aleksinac.

T.D. is a girl born with a heart defect. Due to learning difficulties and speech impediment, she attends the Primary School for Students with Disabilities “Laughter and Tear” in Aleksinac. She lives in a dilapidated house in the village of Moravac with her parents and sister. Despite all the hardships she faces, this shy and loving girl adores going to school and hanging out with her peers, teachers and school staff. After school, she goes back to her no-good everyday life. While all children imagine what they would like Santa to bring to them, this little girl is looking forward to small things such as playing with dolls.
T.D. is only one of the 55 children from the Primary School for Students with Disabilities in Aleksinac. More than fifty of her schoolmates share a similar fate - they live in poverty, with no great chances for a better future. Their families struggle against discrimination, unequal position and difficult access to necessary community services. These battles are commonly lost. Even the smallest help means a lot to these children - it brings them hope that they have not been forgotten.
We need 3000$ for the purchase of New Year’s presents and packages of basic foodstuff and warm clothes for children with disabilities who attend this school. So far, we have collected 2524.70$. We are missing 475.3$. In Serbia, there are a lot of special schools and student dormitories in which children with disabilities live. Faced with numerous problems and poverty, for most of these children, New Year’s wishes remain only but dreams that have not come true. We would like to raise as many resources as possible to bring joy to many poorest children with disabilities during the festive season.
For everyone who would like to help, a donation can be made in one of the following ways:
1. By online payments - by choosing Current initative or New Year’s fundraising: HAND OVER GIFTS, BRING EVERYONE BLISS
2. By making a payment to the account with the following notification “For children from the school ‘Laughter and Tear’ in Aleksinac” -
3. By sending an SMS to the number 2112 which is valid for all the networks in Serbia (the price of an SMS is 100 RSD with VAT included)
4. By Pay Pal for donations from abroad