Serbian Patriarch meets Ana and Vlade Divac

Serbian Patriarch meets Ana and Vlade Divac

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received yesterday at the Serbian Patriarchate in Bеlgrаdе Vlade Divаc, thе  famous basketball plаyer,  and his wife Ana, the founders of the ...



By signing the Tripartite Agreement on Cooperation between UNHCR, Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac, and RTS large campaign “Let’s all help!” has officially started. The campaign is ...

Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac representatives finished their visit to Australia and New Zealand

Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac representatives finished their visit to Australia and New Zealand

Sydney - The famous Serbian basketball player and President of the Serbian Olympic Committee Mr. Vlade Divac, has finished his first visit to Australia and New Zealand, dedicated to promotion of ...

Electronic donations on Qiwi devices throughout Serbia

Electronic donations on Qiwi devices throughout Serbia

Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac, established cooperation with company Qiwi ( ), which is provider of electronic payment services on stationary devices based in supermarkets, public ...

Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac representatives in Sydney

Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac representatives in Sydney

Sydney- The famous Serbian basketball player, great humanist and President of the Serbian Olympic Committee Mr. Vlade Divac, has met with Mr. Kevin Rudd, Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The ...

"Bag for all - Food for all"

"Bag for all - Food for all"

Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac  has started joint action in cooperation with Fond 92 named “Bag for all - Food for all” in order to collect additional funds within the project ...

Fond „Ana i Vlade Divac" (HOD) na EXIT-u!

Fond „Ana i Vlade Divac" (HOD) na EXIT-u!

Na EXIT festivalu će se premijerno predstaviti i prvi proizvod nove proizvodne linije hrane „Autentično Divac!" – Chips & Dips, kukuruzni tortilja čips sa dodatkom sosa od povrća. Deo prihoda ...

Javni konkurs za projekat: Igra počinje. Teren je tvoj!

Javni konkurs za projekat: Igra počinje. Teren je tvoj!

Rok za prijavljivanje je do 27. juna 2011. godine.

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